• Meet Our Instructors •
Fusion Martial Arts is proud to be a family owned and operated business.
The Wellansky family has owned Fusion since 2013 and has had ties to Mt. Pleasant since 1978.

SENSEI MARK WELLANSKY is the head instructor at Fusion Martial Arts and co-owns the dojo with his wife Yonkyu Pilar. Sensei holds a Third Degree Black Belt in Karate, a Brown Belt in Judo and currently enjoys practicing Tomiki and traditional Aikido. Sensei Mark is committed to setting a good example for all his instructors and students both on and off the mat. Sensei trains hard himself and teaches his students to always give their best. He asks them to strive for excellence and not to settle for “good-enough.” While excellence is always the goal, Sensei knows that excellence means little if it is not tied to humility. Building a martial arts community of skilled and respectful students is his mission.
In addition to being a martial artist, Sensei worked for the New York City Department of Education beginning in 1985. He was a special education teacher for 15 years and was a guidance counselor from 2000-2019. In addition, Sensei has run Friendship Builders social skills groups with his wife Yonkyu Pilar, for children who have trouble making and keeping friends. Sensei Mark Wellansky’s dedication to working with all types of children has been a life long mission.
Sensei is also very involved with his church and volunteer work. He has been an Elder and Deacon in the Pleasantville Presbyterian Church and is a long time choir member. He has taught Sunday School and Bible Study and has participated in many volunteer events such as the Midnight Run.

OKASAN PILAR WELLANSKY co-owns Fusion Martial Arts with her husband Sensei Mark Wellansky. She is responsible for running the office, nurturing the students, keeping everyone informed about the goings on of the school, and there to answer any questions. She holds a Green Belt in karate and helps with the Young Samurai, beginner color belts and mom’s class. However, she leaves the more technical training to her family members.
Okasan Pilar is a New York State licensed psychologist who has a private practice in Pleasantville. She received her Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D) from Yeshiva University in 1999 and has worked with children and adults for years. Okasan brings the knowledge and experience of her work to Fusion making it a place where all types of people can feel included and at home.
Okasan Pilar has also been involved in her church and volunteer work for years. She has been an elder, deacon and choir member at the Pleasantville Presbyterian Church and has gone on mission trips to Appalachia and Costa Rica. Okasan Pilar has also taught Sunday School and Bible Study at the church. Additionally, she spent years organizing Fellowship activities at the church so all members could feel included.
SENPAI MICHELLE WELLANSKY began her martial arts training when she was 7-years old and earned her first Black Belt in Karate in 2006. She started training at Fusion in 2009 and earned her Fusion Black Belt in February 2014. Senpai Michelle has been teaching at Fusion since 2013. She has also been involved in mission work at her church, including rebuilding homes in Appalachia and refurbishing a children’s center in Costa Rica. Senpai Michelle earned her masters in Library and Information Science in 2021 and is currently a children’s librarian in the New York Public Library.

Sensei Luis Brito came to the United States from Ecuador after he finished service in the military. He worked at Casa Rina Restaurant in Thornwood for 15 years before moving to Dutchess County. Sensei Luis began his martial arts training in 2000 at another school where he met the Wellansky family and trained with Sensei Mark for years. Sensei Luis earned his First Degree Black Belt in 2003, his Second Degree Black Belt in 2005, and became a Sensei in 2008. He has been teaching martial arts to children and adults for many years. In January 2016 Sensei Luis and his family opened Brito’s Martial Arts in Dutchess County. Since it’s opening, Brito’s Martial Arts and Fusion Martial Arts have run joint events and have supported each other in all endeavors. Sensei Luis, his wife Mercedes and their children Diego & Lily are active members of The Mission Church at Holmes, NY where he helps out and volunteers in events like the Midnight Run. Mercedes also volunteers at the church nursery school every Sunday.
SENSEI CESAR SAGASTUME MEJIA trained with Sensei Mark and Sensei Luis for years. In 2001 he earned his first degree black belt in karate. He then trained in Tae Kwon Do and earned his his black belt in that art in 2003. Sensei Cesar went back to karate after his Tae Kwon Do training and earned his second degree black belt in karate in 2006. Sensei Cesar later focused his training in Krav Maga, a deadly Israeli martial art, and earned his black belt in 2015. At Fusion, Sensei Cesar is currently teaching a basic form of Krav Maga self-defense to advanced teens and adults. He also helps out with some of Fusion’s karate classes. In addition to being a highly accomplished martial artist, Sensei Cesar is also a volunteer fire fighter serving the community of Ossining since 2008.

SENPAI PAUL OCCHIOGROSSI has been part of the Fusion family for 9 years. He first joined Fusion Martial Arts in second grade and later earned his 1st Degree Black Belt in October 2020. He is also an assistant instructor and frequently teaches the Young class. Senpai Paul is an honor student who is in the National Honor Society, he is working on becoming an Eagle Scout and and is an exemplary role model at Fusion.

SENPAI CHRIS McCLURE started training at Fusion Martial Arts in 2010 and earned his First Degree Black Belt in August 2014. Senpai Chris is a long-term friend and occasional teacher at Fusion. By day, Sempai Chris is an attorney. He also coaches baseball and football teams in the town of Mt. Pleasant.
SENPAI NICK GROLLI is an assistant instructor at Fusion. He is a student at Iona College who has been training in martial arts most of his life. He earned his 1st Degree Black Belt in November 2015. He is truly a role model to our students.